So Day one in the Babas has ended with me feeling exceptionally tired and exhausted. The early 2am morning really is taking its toll on me. I napped in the afternoon outside under the sun on a beach recliner listening to IU’s music omggg… soooo nice. her music fit the scene perfectly. Feels so good. The tropical weather, vibrant summer colors, sounds of laughter and the waves lapping against the beach, cool breeze, outstretched infinite blue sky (exception of some dark clouds)…. Yes, I napped but it only made me more tired lol. After that I was reading Murakami’s Wild Sheep Chase. Murakami’s stuff is always amazing. Reading always gives this passionate urge to write. Writing is something i can never be separate from i guess. I’m used to writing everyday and when i absorb inspiration, i immediately want to write my chapters. Book Two… so much is supposed to happen! I want to write!!!

(As for REVEALING MY IDENTITY, i know you’ve all been anticipating it just soooo badly… lol. just kidding. no one really cares right? 😛 well, here is the promised pic of me. Just cuz it’s the end of book one, so i ought to show more of myself in celebration. so this is all you’ll get to see for now! hahaha, i edited it so things i.e. my mom is more blurry… don’t think she wants her picture posted all over the web lmao. I apologize for my bare knees — which looks weird — i didn’t realize my shorts went up when i lay down xD)
In any case, it started getting chilly out and we called it a day heading in for dinner and such, but not before I frolicked in the water. LOL. Took a walk with the waves lapping at my feet. So refreshing.
Now I realized one thing though, I absolutely am starting to despise this kind of lifestyle. I’m just not made to live high classed. I feel like i’m wasting alot of resources, wasting a lot of time and all in all just too spoiled. The all inclusive package includes free meals and a lot of unlimited stuff. Bills that come up to like 150 per meal is waived (well, included in our package) and it just feels like i’m freeloading. Eating without  care in the world, using services and many things without a care. Dining in high class restaurants, indulging in buffets all day, beaches, bikinis, swimming, cocktails and wine everywhere, live music. This is kind of too relaxed, like, i prefer where i’m actually doing some exciting productive things instead of lounging around all day. It’s a total waste, overkill and overindulgence. I’ll never live like this, even if i’m ever famous or rich, i’ll just live like a normal person. I’m starting to despise people who enjoy this kind of lifestyle as well. Do they not see the waste in all this? Some act snobby and so spoiled. Even the contempt in just their glances and getting frustrated or angry at anything that doesn’t go their way. sheeesh.
Oh and I’ve discovered some Asians around. haha but we’re so rare here lol!
At dinner, there was some live music going on. Awesome chill tropical style music. lol
Anyway, i dont know what i’m saying anymore. There should be more but i’ll just post up pics and talk about them.
Oh this is my weird tropical/summery outfit LOL just randomly threw it together upon discovering my mom brought me a straw hat. LOL. I guess in terms of identity here’s a treat for you all. you see more of me here, but this is all u get for now! Don’t mind my camwhoring > < lol i tend to do that alot. But hey, all to celebrate the ending of Book One.
Next pictures: First one is part of the lobby, the hotel is ginormous. its a sprawling complex that has many wings and many levels, all which exit out to different parts of the beach/shoreline. Our walk around the shore brought us across a random oversized checkers game, table tennis (my dad and i), and a few random shots of scenery (see the other ones in last post as well).
Some food for lunch. buffet style. Grabbed a bunch of stuff. it was so freaking good. Though it looks plain and messy on the plate haha. Loving the cuisine here. The spices, seasoning, sauces and just the flavors are fantastic.
This was a tea gone bad. We ordered hot tea and decided to test out this tea bag labeled “passion” and it became the sourest, thickest, most concentrated tea i’ve ever had. It tasted more like bitter juice straight out of fruits. LOL And then the other is a pic of my hat on the table? oO
Okay so this was in a gift shop in the hotel.. lots of awesome shells. So pretty and uber cool. I am reminded of the huge mutant shell i found in Enoshima, Japan during my trip there. I should show a pic of that some day. It’s huge and scary looking. The oceanesque sounds from it is real loud.
Gah. making this blog post took forever! The internet died half way and then I ended up so pissed. lol! But glad it works now. I’m kind of rushing because I’m so exhausted! There should probably be more to say but you can never cram everything on a trip into words and pictures. I always learn so much and gain alot of insight on trips. Well another exciting day tomorrow. I’m planning on going all out with working out and exercise tomorrow. But all the guys here are so fit and buff LOL I feel so bad.
Anywho, time to say good night.
pfft, always that pose, eh? hahahaha!
that’s why i don’t want u to reveal ur pic LOL jkjk xD
wah, the sky… so pretty~~ koizora! lol!
Haha, you’re pics are amazing!!
Oh, and I agree, people who just live and waste so much…ugh! But I guess, if you travel and spend time like that a few times in your life, just to relax after having done loads of work, it’s alright… 😛
Well, I’ll be checking for more updates! Enjoy your time there!! 😀