Today I woke up to the horrible news of the huge quake/tsunami in japan. Apparently it is one of the greatest in 300 years. I woke up at 8am and checked my phone. I got some messages from some of my readers and friends asking if I was okay. So i was like WHAT THE HECK and scrambled to the window. I thought we had a disaster coming for our shores. Luckily, the Bahamas is in the Atlantic coast (not Pacific). I think some of you may have mixed it up. But I am super glad for your concern, makes me think i’m actually important to some people lmao!
Anyway, it’s really sad and terrifying watching the force of the tsunami waves pushing through cities; cars, boats, buildings, everything in its way, devoured by a ravaging murky slimy monster composed of debris, swallowing everything inland and growing larger and larger. Like a slow cumbersome monster, we watched as it moved into the countryside and everything, everyone trying to escape. The destruction was insane. so many areas affected. No one ever thought its possible that waves and water could move SIX MILES inland, covering the city. It’s like out of the movie 2012 or something. scary stuff. The world is ending. Don’t forget about Revelations.
But it also makes us think what would it be like if we were in their place? Surviving the darkness, lighting fires, trying to survive, trying to escape, trying to evacuate, experiencing anxiety and worry that more quakes will hit. And the quakes and aftershocks do. Every moment it seems the earth is threatening to betray your every step. watching the reports and videos are sending goosebumps up my spine. The live footage of eye witness accounts. The crazy shaking they experienced, the whole world falling apart around you. This is crazy. People running as buildings around them crumbled and things shook and fell. People stranded without ways to get home, all congregating together, huge crowds of refugees and survivors. In the cold too!! 🙁 All power, electricity, the technology we so trusted all destroyed. Even nuclear power plants having a meltdown!! Crazy. the chaos and everything.Can’t even use words to describe it. I’m in awe and fear. Freaking looks like the apocalypse. Like stuff out of movies.
Amazing to hear that Japan was kind of ready for this though. How fast people escaped and followed emergency procedures and so forth. It was a miracle because many stayed calm and not that many perished. (Though numbers might rise as they continue to get reports) Still, with the might of the quake apparently it was already a huge miracle. Luckily it was in the daylight. A full day passed, they spent the night in chaos and devastation. People on rooftops. Many students, and young people our age… Just freaky to imagine if things started happening to us like this.
The tidal waves headed off to other nations and Hawaii, West coast of the US. Probably not that bad there though. But I really hope everyone is okay. i need to contact my friends and family in Japan… i hope they’re okay. it shouldn’t be enough to affect many in california right? I’ve got a lot of friends there too… extending sincerest prayers to everyone. Fighting! Don’t give up! Hang in there! Have faith! The fighting spirit of the Japanese will never fail. Let’s fight together. This is an inspiring time for everyone to gather together and bond with one another, human to human, and fight together, rebuild the future. Japan has experienced so many hardships, one after another, entire cities destroyed again and again 🙁 But never give up. fight on! Again and again, we will reconstruct the future, no matter what, nothing can take us down!
And i hope for everyone to begin understanding the big picture of what’s going on in the world. Everything from recent news for the past years, Middle East revolutions, disasters, anything, it all makes sense and is expected to happen. There is a bigger picture to all this.
Hmm.. .anyway i digress. So that’s how my morning was…
Then a breakfast which made me so full I pretty much couldn’t eat anything at lunch lmao. Oops. (btw my pics for food usually suck bc i don’t care to arrange my food on the plate and looks like a mess. I’d rather just throw everything on the plate and hurry to get eating LOL)
This place is insane tho. its like always food food food. We eat for like an hour or more, and then it ends up being too late already.
Since we’re always so full, the routine is after a meal we walk around the resort. We came across hammocks LOL 😀
So next up we headed to the fitness center! Free work out session! Sweet. After getting back into working out lately, it’s been getting good. Things no longer are tough, i’m no longer sore. I need to step up the weights and stuff!! LOL. Makes me jealous, all these non-asian guys are just big. lol. I also made use of the floor-to-ceiling mirrors in the center — by dancing to songs that were on LOL (don’t worry no one was around at the time…)
Lunch! My mom took two pics of the actual buffet. Maybe i’ll get some more next time.
After lunch, we headed for a walk (as per routine). This time i suggested we leave the hotel boundaries and head to the front doors. Well, across the street was a huge street flea market! I didn’t take many pics tho. Too busy shopping. There was so many things… handcrafted souvenirs, necklaces, bracelets, dresses, decorative pipes, ships in bottles, huge shells, wooden crafts, everything tropical-ish you can imagine. Bought a few things. My mom bought these pretty dresses and summer scarf/towel thing (don’t know what it’s called). I actually enjoy women’s fashion LOL imagining it looking pretty on my future gf whom i will take to the bahamas LOLOLOL. The towel-y thing is awesome, the different ways to tie it and making it look simple, smexy beach fashion 😛
Pictures of walking to the place, my shark tooth necklace XD (must buy) and one shot of the pretty scarf things? (it doesn’t look that pretty there, but looks nice on a girl tied properly 😛 there was so much for sale… i wish i took more pics.)
After all that, we headed for the hot tubs outdoors. The sun finally came out properly in its full glory. Amazing, and the wind was really strong though. Luckily it wasn’t too cool. Now this is a funny story, i brought a plastic bag to put stuff in by the tubside. But put the camera in the pockets of my swim trunks. By now, you can guess what happened. Yep, i went straight into the hot tub WITH the camera. I didn’t even know. I’m too used to having stuff in my pockets and it just didn’t cross my mind. after a full half hour in the tub, (which was super warm, and super awesome watching the endless blue sky, palm trees waving, feeling the cool breeze, watching girls walking by 😉 ) the camera well was ruined, by the chlorine, the salt water, so forth.
My parents put up with it well. I don’t know why but maybe because we still had three phones with amazing picture taking abilities. And the camera might be old already. or we’re just all too exhausted and comfortable in the warmth. So we headed to sunbathe and dry off. I’m in love with that straw hat, putting it over my face and napping on a recliner on the beach is awesome. AND you can peek at people under its brim LOL. (My custom home in the future, if i’m rich, will be next to the ocean with a beach, trees and mountains in the background LOL, i need my ocean and beach. it’s like my element.)
Back in the hotel room, i hurried to try out the SD Card if it still worked. put it in, it didn’t read. I was so scared i lost all the data. My dad saw that i was sticking it in the computer desperately and was like, you have to dry it off first. I was like but it looks dry, its a piece of plastic haha. He was like you can’t see it, because it soaks inside the cracks or whatever. So he took it and did it. My mom was like, maybe there will be a miracle and God will make it work. So inside i prayed a little. I didn’t download all the pics yet and would hate to lose any of it 🙁 And well, what do you know? It worked, i downloaded the pics fine after.
Praise the Lord, because God has control over the smallest things. I’ve always had experiences like that, big things and also small things like this. God has stopped the rain for me once, gave me all green lights on the road and all kinds of stuff.
Quite an interesting story for the day. But anyway, now i am point-and-shoot camera-less. Being stuck with camera phones suck because they are so damned slow. I like to snap shots on the go even while walking. Somehow i still always get great compositions in pictures but with a slow camera, shooting on the go would not work out. Grahhhh. lol Frustrating. Must charge my phone.
Hotel room for a shower and then we were off to dinner. I was crazyyyy hungry at last. Ate so much i was so bloated. Great food tonight, as usual. We finally saw some more asians as well. haha and just wow, did I mention the Bahamas is full of lots of beautiful people? LOL.
So bloated that I went for a walk outside at night. I wanted to see the ocean, in the darkness of the night. Somehow it has an eerie mysterious effect. The sound of waves washing up on shore. Yet, you can’t see it. like an invisible force. The water and the sky merges, and is just a canvass of pitch black. The breeze is refreshing and welcoming. Reminds me of the times we went camping and climbed sand dunes and wandered towards the lake in the deep of night. Couldn’t see ANYTHING, just moved slowly, blindly. It was real eerie. Anyway, around our resort were some evening activities going on, live music, soft poolside lights, ambient lighting and so forth. the resort is enveloped in this very soothing, peaceful atmosphere. It makes me think about the tsunami today too… like… the power of the waves in front of me, a slumbering creature. Somehow the darkness foreshadows the coming devastation to come, the coming apocalypse. Anywho, here’s some pictures.
I still can’t get over the stuff i’m seeing on TV right now. It’s like… apocalypse. The reality of this is so shocking. Like…
u know what, i should stop talking. You all should know what you’re feeling when you’re watching this. One of the worst disasters in history.
Take care everyone. Please fight on! And don’t lose sight of the bigger picture.