Takatsu has entered the WordPress world! …for the second time….! *crickets* I started one before but then scrapped it and never updated it. Right off the bat I must say, I’m real bad with blogging. Even though I’m a writer, I just can’t commit to writing blog posts. I do like to rant but ranting off on my own… I either get distracted or I just don’t feel like putting my thoughts here. Instead I’m constantly on twitter where I get to blast random tweets about anything and everything. There I also get to interact with fellow authors and my readers! So it’s real awesome 🙂
But every writer seems to have a blog site of some sort so I’ve just got to make one right? Personally, I’m a graphic and web designer. But I’m also a lazy one at that lol. I’m going to one day hand code and custom design myself an author website and one for my book but as of the moment, I’m lazy and decided to join wordpress for its function. Everything is set up for us, so who can complain? Even wordpress on mobile 😛
I guess I’ll try to rant and stuff on here as much as I can. I’m giving it another try since I may have changed a bit since the last time i tried blogging…. lol. Oh and since I blog for http://textnovelblog.com maybe I’ll just cross post things here too HAHAHA *laziness*
In any case, hello world, hello my dearest readers! Without you all I wouldn’t be where I am today! I love you all! So much. 🙂 Fellow authors, hello and looking forward to interacting with you, working with you, sharing work and reading your work!
For all new visitors, please check out my about page and my primary project, Secondhand Memories, first cell phone novel in North America.
Til later,
I can poke you with a big stick to get you to write blog posts. But only if you promise to do the same for me. 🙂
lol! will do. will do. i’ll poke you with a taser *Rawr* LOL jk