Words flow on a page.
Artfully crafted.
Masterfully woven.
Magic, spells and enchantment.
Yes. Create.
Create. Oh, nimble fingers, create.
Create in me
a new sea,
a new land,
a new world,
a new galaxy,
a new universe,
a new dimension.
Eight and a half inches spans two and three quarter oceans.
Pencil to vessel, ink into dragons.
The power of words spill from fingertips.
The power to invent, imagine, inspire.
The power to touch lives, souls, minds.
The power to change the world.
We are dangerous wizards and conjurors.
We are potent diviners and potionmasters.
We are psychologists and doctors.
We are dream interpreters and prophets.
We are gods and superheroes.
We are beasts and monsters.
We are angels and demons.
We are everything.
God gave us the power.
Wield it wisely.