Espresso Love: A Novel (Book Trailer) & Recruiting Talent for Multimedia Project

Check out the trailer for my novel, Espresso Love! 🙂 Also, quick updates, I’m packing to move houses; Espresso Love writing is going swell, at 125k words now, and getting more and more exciting; weather is getting freaking hot; and attention here: TALENT NEEDED (PM Plz, w/ portfolio/sample work if possible) 1) HIRING Anime-style IllustratorRead more about Espresso Love: A Novel (Book Trailer) & Recruiting Talent for Multimedia Project[…]

Youtube Stuff

Hey guys, sorry i don’t write blog posts as much or finish up book one as soon as i could, but been busy with my youtube channel LMAO it’s been fun but also frustrating… like always messing up when recording. i’m always recording live so it’s always spontaneous, flawed and imperfect. It’s just really annoyingRead more about Youtube Stuff[…]

Firefly「ホタル」Japan Tsunami 2011 Tribute

Firefly, a collaboration, collection and a message for Japan and it’s people! Please join the effort! #helpjapan All welcome to join! “Firefly, a beautiful light in the dark. A light shining from within us. A light inside everyone. A light that shines when all is dark. A collaboration, a collection of inspiring, encouraging wordsRead more about Firefly「ホタル」Japan Tsunami 2011 Tribute[…]