Creative Writing Award


On Monday, I attended the President’s creative writing award ceremony which I had to privilege to receive the Stanley Fefferman Prize for my work out of my year. It was a pretty grand ceremony – a reception with nice cocktail glasses of fruit punch (sadly no alcohol) and good food which could easily be a filling lunch. I was presented the award on stage, by the Faculty Dean and the President of the university, which was quite cool. There was a lot of staff, most well on in their years (haha) but immediately you could tell these are the heads, the leaders of the departments and faculty, the ones with experience and wisdom, exceptionally witty and intelligent with many stories to tell. These are the people who have inspired generations and generations of young people and changed lives. The speeches were no doubt inspirational and riled up potent feelings of pride and conviction as creative artists – namely writers here, be it poets or novelists. There is something magical and powerful being called to do such a thing. If you know about the Axis Mundi, you understand the verticality of the world. The horizontal plane is what most people are occupied with and what most of the world is about. It is the great narrative: history, politics, facts, events and happenings, actual space and concrete matter, sciences and so on. Most people operate on this level. But not everyone is called to the vertical axis which is where imagination, creation, the Muses, the spirituality, symbolism, myth, allegory, artistic beauty, archetypes and collective human consciousness, the subconscious, the inspiration and romantic emotion, the vision and the dreams, etc. I felt immense pride and confidence that this is what i’ve been called to do. Live this life of the vertical axis. It won’t be easy at all and it is a narrow path we’ve chosen, but there is no escape from this calling. This award ceremony was beyond just an award or satisfaction or a boost to the ego. This was an encouragement and recognition that this is my life. That I am called to this noble journey, that not everyone is privileged to take on. And I would need to uphold to this and follow it til the end.


This is my professor and I. He is the one who has given me much encouragement through the years. I first met him four/five years ago in my first year of university as an English Literature major. He is exceptionally knowledgeable, funny, interesting, passionate and completely inspiring. His words truly hold so much power. Not only that but he also provides that kind of role model of someone who has been enlightened, and transcended the mundane normal plane of life. From his example, I can see a certain lifestyle and way of thinking and living, completely immersed in the vertical axis as an artistic intellectual being. I have never encountered a teacher or mentor of this intensity before. I can do what I continue to do today, having been influenced by his encouragement. He noticed something special in me, a sensibility and gift in my written word and in many occasions told me to continue to pursue this path. I’ve received a whole lot, which drives me to be more committed and strive to give something back. To achieve something grand and be able to thank him, as well as many others.





This is my prof and Jason Sherman, the guest speaker, a Canadian playwright who has made a living from the creative literary arts. His speech was hilarious, sarcastic and full of practical wisdom.




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