Yesterday, I took a walk outside. Started thinking alot. Why is life so complicated? Am i just making it complicated? Forcing things that wont be? How come my life revolves around all these dreams, passions, visions and stuff? Sometimes I’m so weary of fighting. What about simpler things in life? Like having a girlfriend, or maybe own a dog or something…
I’ve always believed if I let simple things take up my life they will bring my visions and my potential down and I will be distracted from my true path. But what’s success anyway? Success in those big things but not having the simpler things in life…is that true success?
So i was just lounging on my couch, sipping some chocolate milk lol. I always rush home and get on my comp and go nuts trying to get things done. I realize I’ve been missing out on some of the more simple things in life. but the question is, do these simple things of the present eventually take me away from the future plans and dreams?
I guess there should be a balance i guess but balancing isn’t my forte.. haha…
Anyway, updates updates!
I went to the switchfoot concert, which you should have heard about on my twitter, FB and youtube. I’ve posted up full coverage of the concert including how my friend got up on stage to play bass with the band and i high fived the lead singer. XDD
And here’s an overdue street live video:
On other news, here’s a secret 😉 I have submitted Secondhand Memories to my agent and he is dealing with that soon. I have no idea how to format a submission or anything like that so not sure if it’ll need lots of changes. hahaha! Hopefully its on its way to publication some time. I know it needs so much editing still.. its still at like 90,000 words almost… which means no sane publisher would want to publish something that big…. lol. ARG. I need to edit stuff out… > < but lets just see where it goes right now.
Book Two has started, and I'm also back in the Textnovel game. I will be managing a few upcoming projects on Textnovel. Make sure you head on over to the forums and check out what's going on! We definitely need help. Lots of help. Let me know if you can help~
if i was you, i’d like to have success in simple things first, then big things.
success in big things always be what ppl dreaming of, but unluckily i usually have a complete failure in big things.
and when that happens, i still get strength from the small victories by success in simple things.
success in big is good, but there will be no meaning in your life when you have no success in simple things.
and when your novel is accepted to be published, don’t joke anymore by saying, “APRIL FOOLS!” again. or I’ll eat you, é³¥ (-_-“)