Words flow on a page. Artfully crafted. Masterfully woven. Magic, spells and enchantment. Yes. Create. Create. Oh, nimble fingers, create. Create in me a new sea, a new land, a new world, a new galaxy, a new universe, a new dimension. Eight and a half inches spans two and three quarter oceans. Pencil to vessel,Read more about Write. #2[…]
Tag: artwork
I refuse to write in conventional ways. No rules, no notes, no outlines, no plans. I write with no goals in mind. I write with no expectations. No pen or pencil. No paper. I write without a time frame. I write with only my inspirations. My aspirations. My imagination. I write for the love of theRead more about Write.[…]
On Another Paper
Gotta keep pumping those hashtags huh? #writing #amwriting #goodread #SecondhandMemories lol you guys help me out if you’re on twitter! Use those tags and link http://tiny.cc/2hm Here’s another automated newspaper thing that caught Secondhand Memories tweets: http://paper.li/dgandolfi/1296910486
Tired. So I’m being random.
Super tired currently. Was going to rant and write a blog but i’m leading worship/singing tomorrow morning and it’s an early morning for me. haha The shower completely sucked out all my thought processes and reduced my state of mind to a very complacent, relaxed, comfortable mood. This is me right now: Hmm since I’mRead more about Tired. So I’m being random.[…]
Inspiration. Live by this.
Two videos that rings so true to me. That is everything I believe in and everything I hold to. And is true. Watch and be inspired. Then, chase after your dreams, without any doubts. With no plan B, without being realistic. Proclaim your dream to become, and it will be. Dream High. Fly High. No Doubt.Read more about Inspiration. Live by this.[…]
Lonely Life of a Writer
Tonight I ended up pretty depressed. Let’s just talk about the entire day. Excuse my poor english bc i’m extremely tired right now and sorry for the whining. I finally returned to school for club events and executive meeting. It was a load of fun. We had a beautiful large room with couches, nice woodenRead more about Lonely Life of a Writer[…]
Secondhand Memories on Writing News
Featured on Maya Hanley’s paper … I think it was automatically linked/collected from top posts over the web though xD I found my playlist on the media section too, i’m quite confused, but hey it looks legit and cool! Check it out: http://paper.li/mayahanley/1294837924/~list?tag=%23amwriting http://paper.li/mayahanley/1294837924 (scroll to bottom) http://paper.li/tag/amwriting (my playlist in media section, perhaps myRead more about Secondhand Memories on Writing News[…]
Someone Plagiarizing Secondhand Memories! HELP!
http://dugumdugum.blogspot.com Someone has been posting up chapters of Secondhand Memories without credit (plagiarism) Please help, by posting comments telling them to stop. They have even deleted the comments I left. This is a serious legal infringement and they can be susceptible to legal consequences.
Ashita No Yume (Tomorrow’s Dream)
LOL So today I started writing songs for Secondhand Memories! I have never written an actual song on the piano before this is my first… I started off with a crappy version of this song written with guitar, then scrapped the melody, got on the keyboard and then this came out. I personally I’m kindaRead more about Ashita No Yume (Tomorrow’s Dream)[…]
No Pain, No Gain. Dream High. Fly High.
“Where there’s passion, there’s a dream. Where there’s a dream, there’s a journey. Where there’s a journey, there’s struggle. Where there’s struggle, there’s victory.” – Takatsu So I started going to the gym to work out again… i’m so out of shape. oh my God. That’s how i ended up with overworked and damaged musclesRead more about No Pain, No Gain. Dream High. Fly High.[…]