This year during class, we were reminded that dream-time is important. As creative people, we need to have the time to be quiet and soak inside of dream-time, where the human consciousness can connect to the other layers of consciousness: subconsciousness, unconsciousness and then the greater vertical realm of the creativity, the imagination, the mythological,Read more about Dream-Time & Profound Inspiration[…]
Tag: cell phone novels
Publishing & Ending Off the Year
So I’ve been put up on my publisher’s website! My first novel, Secondhand Memories will be published this year with Sakura Publishing and released probably late 2014. Stay tuned for updates via my usual social media accounts! FB Twitter Please head over to my author page on Sakura Publishing’s site and show some love withRead more about Publishing & Ending Off the Year[…]
Manifesto: Coffee Skin & Updates!
She tells me that my skin smells like coffee. I tell her it’s what happens after a few months of the same thing. Sometimes it’s necessary, I say. At least I don’t smell like a chain smoker. She looks away and plays with a pencil. If it’s a bother to you, I say, I canRead more about Manifesto: Coffee Skin & Updates![…]
Creative Writing Award
On Monday, I attended the President’s creative writing award ceremony which I had to privilege to receive the Stanley Fefferman Prize for my work out of my year. It was a pretty grand ceremony – a reception with nice cocktail glasses of fruit punch (sadly no alcohol) and good food which could easily be aRead more about Creative Writing Award[…]
Consider the Stars & a few Haiku
Poetry Day was on March 21st, but I hadn’t posted it up here, thought I might post up a few poems I wrote that day: CONSIDER THE STARS If I consider the Stars: a smattering of dust, Painter’s pensive grace whirling forth with violent zest; tidal surges of multicolored halo breaking dawnRead more about Consider the Stars & a few Haiku[…]
Good year, T-shirts & Creative Writing award!
So today I was just playing with photoshop and I threw up some t-shirts XD I think some of them look pretty nice. Personally I want like a horde of people in black Espresso Love System is Everything shirts and black sunglasses running around like a staff team hahaha And the Takatsu one is likeRead more about Good year, T-shirts & Creative Writing award![…]
Espresso Love CONTEST! Win $20!
Running the first season of Fanfiction/Spin-off contest for dystopian romance novel, Espresso Love starting March 16th til May 16th. Maximum word count of 3,500. If posted on Textnovel include (Espresso Love Fiction Contest) in your title so I can search for it easily. Depict Naoki Maeda/Shizuka Kaneko (Maeda and Kaneko are last names) in your ideal scene. i.e. a single instance/incident/scenarioRead more about Espresso Love CONTEST! Win $20![…]
Yellowcard – Way Away
Here’s my quick one day cover of an old classic song that I love. Nostalgic!
Emoticons and Chai Tea Revolution
Alright, a few updates! First of all, many of us have been trying out Shizuka’s custom order, Tall Caramel Chai Tea Latte, Soy, Extra Whip from my novel, “Espresso Love”! It has been deliciously sweet, a non-coffee drink for anyone and it seems to have begun a movement of some sort. I am continuing toRead more about Emoticons and Chai Tea Revolution[…]
Jet Lag – Simple Plan (Valentine’s Cover)
Oh, I forgot to share on this blog 😀 This was posted for Valentine’s Day, a little something special for you, especially dedicated to those who have friends, family, significant others overseas! Cheesy, corny, but the song is so real and meaningful. Thanks to my good friend and fellow cell phone novelist, Gummy who lives halfwayRead more about Jet Lag – Simple Plan (Valentine’s Cover)[…]