I’ve been here before. The bottom. We all have. Fresh tears will pour out, pain will ache through my chest. something I can’t control. Perhaps it’s just about time to take the plunge, there’s ups and there’s downs. I’ve gotta take the plunge now. it’s time. i’ve never been so weary before. i’ve never foughtRead more about Hit the Bottom[…]
Category: Life Rant
Song for Japan. Love is all we need
Amazing! Fight on Japan! <3 We’ve got to continue with projects like this. I’m going to continue to write my song. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhEwiRVTwvY]
Burning Out.. Fighting On..
Very stressed out…Theres just so much on the plate for me. Everything feels so impossible. Either its hitting brick walls or taking a stroll through a swamp — going slowly or not going at all. Not sure how to keep things moving or to link with someone, somewhere that will help it see an explosiveRead more about Burning Out.. Fighting On..[…]
Important Updates
Hey all, Sorry but i don’t think i’m in a proper state of mind to continue to post large blog posts all the time, i’ll do it when i can. Please check my twitter often for short bursts of thoughts. The things in Japan are just so heartbreaking, the things i’m doing seem so futile,Read more about Important Updates[…]
Japan Tsunami 2011
I think I’ve blogged enough about some personal feelings regarding the devastating tragedy. The situation is dire and millions of people are suffering. We can’t imagine how hard and how scary it is for everyone there. What can we do to help? If you haven’t already, please donate here: http://www.google.com/crisisresponse/japanquake2011.html But what else can weRead more about Japan Tsunami 2011[…]
Home. At Last.
Back home at last. Good to be home right? I really don’t like the cold though. I got around 6 hours of sleep from 5 am ish to 11 something “last night”. Slept like a dead person. But still super tired. I reckon I will crash again tonight xD What’s funny is that as soonRead more about Home. At Last.[…]
Last Day in the Bahamas
So I’ve eaten breakfast, packed up, checked out, moved all my luggage to the bell desk where it’s locked away. And… now enjoying life. Freaking amazing to be under the sun, lounging around, drinking a cocktail hahaha mmmm…. Lovely. more shots of stuff around the resort Lunch, i barely ate anything bc i didn’t reallyRead more about Last Day in the Bahamas[…]
Day Three in the Bahamas
Random thoughts since the morning. i realized i would do everything different if I was here with friends instead of family… we’d have brought skateboards and guitars. We’d be jamming by the beach side, skating all over the place, swimming lots, downing cocktails, chatting it up to ppl 😛 the weather is kinda cool forRead more about Day Three in the Bahamas[…]
Day Two in the Bahamas
Today I woke up to the horrible news of the huge quake/tsunami in japan. Apparently it is one of the greatest in 300 years. I woke up at 8am and checked my phone. I got some messages from some of my readers and friends asking if I was okay. So i was like WHAT THERead more about Day Two in the Bahamas[…]
Day One in the Bahamas
So Day one in the Babas has ended with me feeling exceptionally tired and exhausted. The early 2am morning really is taking its toll on me. I napped in the afternoon outside under the sun on a beach recliner listening to IU’s music omggg… soooo nice. her music fit the scene perfectly. Feels so good.Read more about Day One in the Bahamas[…]