Simplicity of Life

Yesterday, I took a walk outside. Started thinking alot. Why is life so complicated? Am i just making it complicated? Forcing things that wont be? How come my life revolves around all these dreams, passions, visions and stuff? Sometimes I’m so weary of fighting. What about simpler things in life? Like having a girlfriend, orRead more about Simplicity of Life[…]

April Fools Day

hahahahha it has been a long time since i ever had so much fun on aprils fools day. I woke up this morning to a whole ton of facebook relatioship statuses changing, couples playing pranks about breaking up, people playing pranks about hooking up. EVeyrONE STARTED DOING IT, so it got repetitive. I found aRead more about April Fools Day[…]

Youtube Stuff

Hey guys, sorry i don’t write blog posts as much or finish up book one as soon as i could, but been busy with my youtube channel LMAO it’s been fun but also frustrating… like always messing up when recording. i’m always recording live so it’s always spontaneous, flawed and imperfect. It’s just really annoyingRead more about Youtube Stuff[…]