So this was an amazing song that I just had to try covering. Youtube has some copyright issues detected so it’s on Facebook for now. Just click the image below. It’s not so great, but hope i didn’t ruin it too much!
Tag: novel
Be Yourself.
Be yourself.
Paper to Plastic: Immortalized. Cases by Takatsu.
LOL So, I’ve threw up some of my designs and graphics for my most current novels onto phone cases. It is mainly for fun. Though it’s expensive, it is free shipping til the end of this weekend (Sunday) fyi. So check it out! There’s definitely going to be more art and designs to come, andRead more about Paper to Plastic: Immortalized. Cases by Takatsu.[…]
The Flow of Inspiration, Sentiment & Nostalgia
Well, now that my emotional obstruction has been removed, I’m falling deeper and deeper into a flow of sentiments once again. It is a feeling I’ve missed so much. I’m listening to nano songs more. Her nanoir album is something I’ve been freaking over today. The flawless perfection of the English and Japanese lyrics, theRead more about The Flow of Inspiration, Sentiment & Nostalgia[…]
[youtube=] I haven’t posted in this blog in a long time. I’ve been in a dry spell. I thought I had lost my emotional capacity. Whenever I was listening to music or playing guitar or singing or trying to write or read or whatnot in the past year and a half, I couldn’t feel itRead more about Reconnected[…]
Move ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS RELEASED! (A Journey of Music, A Portrait of a Musician, A Look into Human Thought)
The first ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS FOR MOVE are released!!!! My first time dabbling in digital illustration and first time using SAI… but i think it turned out not too bad! I also made my debut on deviantArt… now I must make more art!! Go to !! Wallpaper 2560 x 1600 Wallpaper 2560 x 1440Read more about Move ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS RELEASED! (A Journey of Music, A Portrait of a Musician, A Look into Human Thought)[…]
Henry David Thoreau
Quick blurb while i’m doing studying and doing my readings. It’s crazy when studying the great minds of the past, that all the time everything I’ve been thinking is what they’ve thought and written down. The great philosophers and writers of history, all that knowledge. Even though I had never actually studied it, it isRead more about Henry David Thoreau[…]
Learning Doesn’t Count in the Education System
So I just pulled an allnighter doing an essay. Actually three essays back to back. Most people do this, most people handle this and swallow it like a man or woman. Yet, this was the worst essay I’ve ever done. Both my worst writing ever, and the worst sorts of requirements. The content and materialRead more about Learning Doesn’t Count in the Education System[…]
Literary Classics and the Fabric of Truth
Wow that’s quite the formidable title there. But I have nothing out of the ordinary for you. Just some thoughts and rants. Lately, I’ve had the opportunity to discuss about many deep and profound themes and topics with others. Like minded writers, other people who question or challenges the system we operate in, talented individualsRead more about Literary Classics and the Fabric of Truth[…]
CPN Revolution!
Hi all, Been a little while. I’d like to update about our cell phone novel movement. There is a lot happening now that we have a strong, active, very vibrant community that is building up a tight knit core group. A lot of laughs, jokes, random chats but also lots of great discussions and ideas.Read more about CPN Revolution![…]